Andrew is the youngest in the family, and while not the most photogenic, he took a moment away from examining the quality of the Christmas tree decorations to give me this pose. As Lynn explained Andrew's starring role in the evening's production, she may have lost Andrew after requesting a chasse followed by an en dedans and finished with a leaping piroette.

Now this girl knows when a camera is about. Morgan never failed to posture for the camera, that is until the end of the evening when her stockings became too much to bear.

It was about at this point that I informed Morgan she was "cut off," but not before a photo with her brother, Cole.

Let the silliness begin! You can only imagine the extent of what one can do with a candy cane, and the innappropriate things that these small children can now do with them. I'm pretty sure everyone was pointing at the neighbor who left his shade drawn as he emulated the dance moves from Footloose in the nude, but it could have been Santa. We'll just never know.

Once everyone had calmed down, we were able to take a few family photos, some of which turned out surprisingly well considering the goofiness of the occasion, including this one of Steve, Charlette, Lynn and Kyle.

How fucking cute is that? (Notice I used a curse word, because it is a picture of two adults.)

How friggin' cute is that? (Notice... well, you get the fucking picture. Oops.)

Sometimes the Christmas spirit isn't really appropriate for young audiences.

And the siblings, or four of them at least.

When will the cuteness end?

They're called snowflakes, got it?

As much fun as the costumes, decorations and silliness was, I want to thank my mother and my father for never, ever subjecting me to this as a child. As much as your parenting scarred me, at least the evidence remains on the inside, where I can stuff it deep inside my heart.
Love to all, and happy holiday wishes...
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