But wait... does prosciutto and Asian stir-fry really work together? Perhaps not. Forget the sesame seeds and the secret Asian stir-fry sauce then, we're going to stick with white wine, lemon and butter. And I did.

Fry up some tri-color peppers (notice a pattern? I use these in much of cooking, probably should find other veggies to fix on...), add the broccolini, the celery and the red onions, and while not stir-fried (I am wok-less) a similar effect.

Then a sauce. Add the lemon first (entirely too much in my case), then some white wine as the lemon is absorbed by the veggies, and once the wine cooks off, throw in some butter for good measure, and finally, salt and pepper. Plate the vegtables around a packed cup of rice, a few skewers of proscuitto-encrusted shrimp and call it a night.
I cannot say that this dish was good. By itself, the rice was good, as were the veggies (although, again, entirely too much lemon). The shrimp were honestly overcooked, and while still tasty by themselves, the entire dish as a whole was, as my title states, just strange. I don't recommend this one. Fortunately, because I made it, it was easier to stomach than if someone else had served it to me. The sweat of my labor makes it taste that much better, but if you ever make this for me, I will apologize in advance for quietly slipping the food into a napkin when you're not looking and excusing myself to use the restroom.
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